19:02:44 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: Need to leave in about 45 min....Legion meeting at 8EST 19:09:22 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/detail/analog-devices-inc/adalm-pluto/6624230 19:09:45 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/detail/seeed-technology-co-ltd/109990245/7325258?s=N4IgTCBcDaIBIEMDGBrASgMRAXQL5A 19:12:02 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: Adalm Pluto will work with MatLAB and Octive 19:17:22 From jag - myTradeRoutes.com To Everyone: Who is leading the Etobicoke group? Do they have a telegram group? 19:32:39 From Chrystia Freeland To Everyone: https://opensourcesdrlab.com/products/h4m-receiver-and-spectrum-analyzer 19:32:50 From Mike B - Mississauga South To Everyone: BRB 19:35:17 From Roger Hopson To Everyone: I have a Meshtastic radio 19:35:23 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: And the telegram link is here: https://t.me/+F2JqS59YmeI0MGRh 19:38:32 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: Gotta run here. 73 folks. 19:38:41 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: ok 19:48:43 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: just in different colours 19:50:41 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: I. have the ft65r yaesu 19:50:56 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: hand held 19:52:12 From amanda’s iPad To Everyone: I have 2 baoefengs and also a Yaesu ft65r 19:52:44 From Roger Hopson To Everyone: I have a Meshtastic radio and sdr radio 19:54:54 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: what number model is that? again pls 19:55:24 From amanda’s iPad To Everyone: What is the invite link for the telegram group. I know two other liked minded hams 19:57:31 From jag - myTradeRoutes.com To Everyone: Replying to "What is the invite l..." What is the invite link for the telegram group. I know two other liked minded hams https://t.me/+F2JqS59YmeI0MGRh 20:00:27 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: $350 20:00:53 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: https://www.gpscentral.ca/product/yaesu-vx-6r-bundle/ 20:01:02 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: $484.99 with a bundle 20:02:13 From jag - myTradeRoutes.com To Everyone: I’m going to have to drop off for tonight. Have a good evening everyone. 20:03:52 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: I have a solar hackery for camping 20:03:58 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: jackery 20:04:01 From amanda’s iPad To Everyone: Replying to "What is the invite l…" Thank you! 20:04:17 From Lynn T To Everyone: I have the same Nancy 20:04:33 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: Reacted to "I have the same Nanc..." with 👍 20:05:02 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: if you want Shit Hits The Fan power? https://ionpowergroup.org/ 20:07:37 From Oskar Hanson To Everyone: hey Tony, had trouble resetting these 2 UV-5RH looks like firmware locked etc 20:10:34 From George To Everyone: Please put up the schematic diagram 20:10:38 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: your hired, m make a bunch for us. 🙂 20:11:47 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: https://www.gpscentral.ca/product/yaesu-vx-6r-bundle/#tab-accessories 20:11:54 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: https://www.gpscentral.ca/product/yaesu-sdd-13-cigarette-lighter-charger/ 20:12:16 From Oskar Hanson To Everyone: Reacted to "your hired, m make a..." with 👍 20:13:38 From George To Everyone: We just need a money source link 😁 20:14:32 From amanda’s iPad To Everyone: Is this something you can trust getting from Amazon. 20:15:18 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: I'm not sure how to answer that 20:15:29 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: I just blindly buy things off of amazon when I do 20:15:55 From amanda’s iPad To Everyone: Fair enough 20:16:18 From amanda’s iPad To Everyone: It just seems like the easiest solution if you don’t own a generator 20:20:05 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: Inbetween C3 and C4 should go to ground on a rod 20:20:14 From George To Everyone: Thank you. What capacity capacitors? 20:20:52 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: all depends how long you want to dedicate charging them and how much energy you want to discharge all at once 20:21:17 From rummy To Everyone: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007055062159.html?src=google&pdp_npi=4%40dis!CAD!21.23!7.89!!!!!%40!12000039247881976!ppc!!!&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=631-313-3945&isdl=y&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&aff_platform=google&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&gclsrc=aw.ds&&albagn=888888&&ds_e_adid=&ds_e_matchtype=&ds_e_device=c&ds_e_network=x&ds_e_product_group_id=&ds_e_product_id=en1005007055062159&ds_e_product_merchant_id=5369420062&ds_e_product_country=CA&ds_e_product_language=en&ds_e_product_channel=online&ds_e_product_store_id=&ds_url_v=2&albcp=19366866438&albag=&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqL28BhCrARIsACYJvkeUvR0KfjrYbwusQ3Se9a8jbeYFW6eqeb9chiyeCCsjbKl4gHFXY3caAqNqEALw_wcB 20:21:18 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: start small so you don't blow yourself up after charging it for a month 20:21:40 From George To Everyone: For changing radio 20:22:25 From rummy To Everyone: Here is the Boafeng car battery eliminator on Ali Baba. You can look around for different ones: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007055062159.html?src=google&pdp_npi=4%40dis!CAD!21.23!7.89!!!!!%40!12000039247881976!ppc!!!&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=631-313-3945&isdl=y&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&aff_platform=google&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&gclsrc=aw.ds&&albagn=888888&&ds_e_adid=&ds_e_matchtype=&ds_e_device=c&ds_e_network=x&ds_e_product_group_id=&ds_e_product_id=en1005007055062159&ds_e_product_merchant_id=5369420062&ds_e_product_country=CA&ds_e_product_language=en&ds_e_product_channel=online&ds_e_product_store_id=&ds_url_v=2&albcp=19366866438&albag=&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqL28BhCrARIsACYJvkeUvR0KfjrYbwusQ3Se9a8jbeYFW6eqeb9chiyeCCsjbKl4gHFXY3caAqNqEALw_wcB 20:22:38 From Jay Gee To Everyone: To charge your Baofeng radio in your car you can use a DC to AC inverter which converts the 12 Volt DC from the car lighter to regular 120 V AC like the power outlets in your house so you can then use your Baofeng AC to DC charger to charge your Baofeng battery like you currently do. 20:22:50 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: well, you don't want to "charge the radio", you want to feed it into a battery so the size of the caps are dependant on what its connected to so it doesn't over load your battery 20:23:50 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: what size caps you want to use all depend on where this rig is setup, how high you are in the air, how much power your trying to collect, how fast you want charge and discharge to be, and cost 20:24:22 From George To Everyone: Yes, that’s what I meant to charging the radio 😁 20:25:38 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: you want to remove the batteries from the radio 20:26:41 From Lynn T To Everyone: My time's up. Have a good night everyone. 20:26:49 From Oskar Hanson To Everyone: gn 20:27:15 From George To Everyone: Gn 20:28:09 From gilbert To Everyone: Thanks to all. Gotta run. 20:28:47 From Oskar Hanson To Everyone: Reacted to "Thanks to all. Gotta..." with 👍 20:29:06 From JeffJ To Everyone: 73 all 20:31:08 From Charlie To Everyone: Good Night all, 20:38:23 From Jay Gee To Everyone: Goodnight all! 20:41:24 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: our local will be having zoom at 8 pm thurs 20:42:26 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: https://cirris.com/estimate-the-length-of-a-wire/ 20:42:40 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: Finding the length of a wire by calculating resistance 21:00:57 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: tony, we have come full circle, we started w dongles and ending w dongles. lol 21:02:27 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: Use The Adalm-Pluto in MatLAB, you can use Simulink to make your own radios here: https://es.mathworks.com/help/comm/plutoradio/ug/qpsk-receiver-with-adalm-pluto-radio-1.html 21:03:33 From Roger va3hpr To Everyone: I have a sdr radio 21:03:43 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: I saw the message 21:08:55 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: weather and tools 21:11:07 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L-nX3f4CT0 21:13:21 From Roger va3hpr To Everyone: I have a bluetti power bank 21:15:29 From nancy VA3NWK To Everyone: lots of tabs open frm all the chat. 🙂 21:16:08 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: https://garudalinux.org/ 21:16:20 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: https://garudalinux.org/downloads 21:22:00 From grace To Everyone: Thank you! God bless you all. 21:22:33 From Mike B - Mississauga South To Everyone: 73