19:03:03 From Brian To Everyone: All I use since 2005 are Thinkpads / Lenovos 19:03:23 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: Reacted to "All I use since 2005..." with 👍🏼 19:03:34 From Brian To Everyone: Rock solid. And the pencil eraser is awesome 19:09:13 From Brian To Everyone: pick one 19:09:58 From Brian To Everyone: List of Linux distributions - Wikipedia 19:11:39 From Brian To Everyone: haha Emo 19:11:52 From Brian To Everyone: flag gate 19:12:08 From Brian To Everyone: They have 2000 people 19:12:11 From Brian To Everyone: no flag pole 19:12:56 From Brian To Everyone: Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 19:13:44 From Mike B - Mississauga South To Everyone: Reacted to "Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" with 👍 19:16:16 From moo To Everyone: logging out briefly to switch machines 19:20:31 From Elizabeth V. To Everyone: FYI regarding computers; Glen Meder founder of Privacy Academy in the States is promoting user friendly (but not cheap;) Linux based computers Using Coreboot and Zorin computer https://privacycomputers.com/ Made by Starlabs in UK and Novacustom from Holland 19:21:31 From Brian To Everyone: Reacted to "FYI regarding comput..." with 👍 19:27:13 From Lee-Toronto To Everyone: I go through Newmarket every Monday night. I could drop Nathan's if you like. 19:28:11 From Dark winter To Everyone: I hope the batteries last and aren't rigged to detonate 😬 19:28:32 From Lee-Toronto To Everyone: BRB 19:28:42 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: Reacted to "I hope the batteries..." with 😂 19:34:16 From Lee-Toronto To Everyone: back 19:49:39 From John Duvnjak To Everyone: Reacted to "I hope the batteries..." with 🙉 19:53:12 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: https://apc-cap.ic.gc.ca/pls/apc_anon/query_examiner_amat$.startup 19:57:04 From Mike B - Mississauga South To Everyone: Thanks Rob 19:57:45 From rummy To Everyone: @ROB can you send that link again 19:58:23 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: This is a small package which covers 100kHz to 1.75GHz for approx. $60 on Amazon 19:58:32 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: https://www.amazon.ca/Nooelec-NESDR-SMArt-Bundle-R820T2-Based/dp/B01GDN1T4S/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1B9O91ZY8YSLJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Fckr3Z40AXqNXWs8ziXBqR-5tYsXzo4k5VvHmPl41TpStb2PEaconq01Vroo0Ccd7q07sbNAQyxRDO124GcupWRdIuhvDQNqOPpa1iU01NF8_bqtpe9CPhYUE-87o9VRke6BNNFOGMc-5ehhOjNvNXSsBO26mPes6UyZPQ0dm_NHOy-eoxpRhYwFeUMS7q_HHmBnASVEHcw88QeGkr3nkceOKcY14tgBMjp0Ctbkwl1CYdGKkvbH6U31N_7nqOaQDYhJbyqvbRZo45Pe-fpK12DW-gY50eUqT4aiPMTPjFg.2GDQFeld3SQvL9RNe_98GHIDePe2E1yirDroiLZVKl8&dib_tag=se&keywords=sdr+radio+receiver&qid=1733273803&sprefix=sdr+receiver%2Caps%2C2030&sr=8-6 19:59:58 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: To hear voice, you'd need a program like Cubic SDR on your computer.....which is free online 20:01:11 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: Replying to "@ROB can you send th..." What link? 20:01:46 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: Replying to "@ROB can you send th..." https://apc-cap.ic.gc.ca/pls/apc_anon/query_examiner_amat$.startup 20:01:56 From Brian To Everyone: Replying to "@ROB can you send th..." receive only right? 20:02:07 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: Replying to "@ROB can you send th..." That's correct 20:03:35 From Brian To Everyone: Replying to "@ROB can you send th..." Nice! I'm a blackberry nerd 20:05:23 From Lee-Toronto To Everyone: Replying to "@ROB can you send th..." BRB 20:06:05 From Brian To Everyone: Replying to "@ROB can you send th..." Zigby's go great with Arduino 20:06:39 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: https://hamshack.ca/rtcl_listing/yaesu-ft-1500m/ 20:06:41 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: Replying to "@ROB can you send th..." Does the Lynx Technologies radio modules work as well? 20:07:26 From Brian To Everyone: Replying to "@ROB can you send th..." XB24CAUIS-001 Digi | Mouser Canada 20:07:51 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: Yeasu FT-1900R package with power supply and glass mount mobile antenna 20:09:40 From Matt VE4MDF To Everyone: Would any of these work? https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/filter/rf-transceiver-modules-and-modems/872?s=N4IgjCBcpgnAHLKoDGUBmBDANgZwKYA0IA9lANogAMIAugL7EC0ATMiGpAC4BOArkVIUQAVjr1GINpEoAZAJYA7AB7igA 20:12:44 From John Duvnjak To Everyone: YAESU FT-757GX HAM RADIO TRANSCEIVER WITH MARS MOD | General Electronics | Hamilton | Kijiji Classifieds 20:14:27 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: Replying to "YAESU FT-757GX HAM R..." That's a good older HF rig. A bit older than mine, so you'd need to be creative to run the digital modes 20:16:01 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: Replying to "YAESU FT-757GX HAM R..." Read the fine print though, that one is not fully function on RX 20:16:49 From Brian To Everyone: Replying to "YAESU FT-757GX HAM R..." Anyone know much about Lora vs Symphony? 20:19:26 From Brian To Everyone: Replying to "YAESU FT-757GX HAM R..." Let me google that.... Symphony Link vs LoRaWAN-Difference between Symphony Link and LoRaWAN 20:20:27 From amanda To Everyone: Is there a link to action4canada zoom link for tomorrow? 20:20:54 From Rob VE5RJK To Everyone: Replying to "Is there a link to a..." I can send it through Telegram 20:21:05 From Brian To Everyone: We need a republic 20:21:16 From amanda To Everyone: Replying to "Is there a link to a…" Thank you 20:21:41 From Brian To Everyone: the one Sr. put togehter 20:23:24 From Brian To Everyone: this guy? Brian Peckford - Wikipedia 20:25:41 From Brian To Everyone: notwithstanding clause? 20:26:01 From Brian To Everyone: ah. 20:26:29 From Brian To Everyone: pretty broad 20:26:43 From Mike B - Mississauga South To Everyone: Didn't they just do the same thing in Alberta? 20:29:27 From Brian To Everyone: haha 20:30:40 From Lee-Toronto To Everyone: gotta go night all. 20:33:33 From Dark winter To Everyone: Silicone graphene! 20:38:23 From Brian To Everyone: File:Kim Jong-un Signature.svg - Wikipedia, e ensiklopedia liber 20:39:40 From Brian To Everyone: Kirkland lake ish? 20:42:02 From Isabel To Everyone: got to go, goodnight everyone 20:42:06 From Brian To Everyone: Night gang 20:42:08 From jeffjohns To Everyone: Thanks everyone! 20:42:12 From Mike B - Mississauga South To Everyone: 73